Translated from the German by Eric v.d. Luft
Dull green light swims around the books,
Outside, angels spread shrouds.
It’s snowing.
Bustling in the furnace, a buzzing, a crackling,
Tick-tock clock sleeps. Winds whisper.
It’s snowing.
Haggard shapes that never find light,
They’re wrong about me, my plaintive sins.
It’s snowing.
Memory dies. The world stands still.
I feel like God’s love wants to flare up.
It’s snowing.
The above poem by Martin Heidegger was first published as “Einsamkeit” in Heliand: Monatsschrift zur Pflege religiösen Lebens für gebildete Katholiken 7 (1916): 309
Also, read five Ogoni poems by Bura-Bari Nwilo, self-translated into English, and published in The Antonym.
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