A Year In Drowning – Neil Chowdhury and Bishnupriya Chowdhuri

Mar 20, 2021 | Fiction | 0 comments

Photography – Neil Chowdhury,  Poem – Bishnupriya Chowdhuri

Between you, me and our hatred for each other,
Between subways, sleepy days and sandy words,
dreamt-of gazes and words untouched,
an ocean came.
Alone with our vessels, petite
and shadows perched close under the feet
We spent an year drowning.

Those who saw it coming and those who did not
All queued up outside the supermarkets.
Those who bought the last batch of vinaigrette, the final harvest of persimmons, the remaining stock of canned tuna in water and olive oil and of course, the tissues
those who missed the deal on corn-flakes, umbrellas and tulip bulbs,

those that loved to return home,
those that longed to leave.
Those who fell prey,
And those who survived
all wore masks and
accepted the rule of water. corn-flakes, umbrellas and tulip bulbs,

Geologists told us but we never
believed it to be true
Until schools were closed, parks, forbidden
and just like that months passed by
Without having friends overs to bite on an evening together.
Without crumbling into strangers, under Sunday sun.
Geologists told us but we never
believed that mountains could grow
beneath our feet, until it did.

For your safety and mine
let snow have it all.
For your safety and mine
You run your roots down
I roll my wheels away
Let snow have it all.

About Author

Neil Chowdhury

Neil Chowdhury

Originally from Delhi, Neil Chowdhury came to the US for his Masters in Engineering and lived in Texas and Chicago before moving to the Bay Area. Though he dabbled in cameras and photography from a young age (his father passed on a 1970s Minolta XG-1 to him in high school),  it was in the Bay Area, with its breathtaking varied landscapes, that his passion for photography was truly ignited. Pre-pandemic, he loved traveling to at least a couple of exotic photography locations a year- as and when he was able to get away from his young twin kids and work (he works as an Operations Executive in Tech).

About Translator

Bishnupriya Chowdhuri

Bishnupriya Chowdhuri

Bishnupriya Chowdhuri is a Bengali artist and writer trying to find her roots across continents and oceans. She weaves hybrid pieces about memory, women and bodies using what is often awkward if not an unsavory tangle of Bangla and English. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida. She is a collector of girl-names, pretty pebbles and family-recipes. Her address keeps changing. 


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