Author: Biswadip Chakraborthy

Jason M. Thornberry

Seattle writer Jason M. Thornberry is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing at Chapman University. Jason previously taught creative writing and literature at Seattle Pacific University.

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. (Full Stop) – Soham Guha

Soham Guha writes in his mother tongue, Bengali, and English as well. His works were published inΒ,Β, Matti Braun’sΒ Monologue, andΒ Mohs 5.5: MegastructureΒ Anthology and Mithila Review. This story is translated from the Bengali by Ranjita Chattopadhyaya.

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The Bilimbi Note – Kizzy Tahnin

Translated from the Bengali by Shamita Das Dasgupta β€œDo you know why the parrots are green?”Ma used to inquire. Even when she knew how I would answer, she kept asking.Every time she questioned me, I’d ask back, β€œWhy?”Ma pointed...

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Luan Rama

LuanΒ  RamaΒ  isΒ  anΒ  AlbanianΒ  scholar,Β  filmmaker,Β  editorΒ  andΒ  writerΒ  bornΒ  inΒ  TiranaΒ  inΒ  1952. RamaΒ  isΒ  authorΒ  ofΒ  60Β  booksΒ  includingΒ  novels,Β  storiesΒ  andΒ  historicalΒ  books. The poems are translated from the Albanian by Miranda Shehu-Xhilaga.

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Indian Science Fiction – A Panel Discussion

The Antonym brought together a wonderful panel of India Science Fiction writers and critics to discuss the uniqueness of Indian Science Fiction. We had Subodh Jawadekar, the renowned Science and Science Fiction writer in Marathi: Dipen Bhattacharya, who writes in Bengali., featuring the social dynamics of imagined future societies interwoven with scientific principle and T.G. Shenoy, a Science Fiction columnist and critic, the writer of India’s longest-running weekly SF column in India,

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Guido Cupani

Guido Cupani is an Italian poet and astrophysicist. His poetry collections include Meno Universo,Β  Le felicitΓ  and Qualcosa di semplice sulla neve. Guido Cupani has the gift of control and measure, common to many poets who live in the lands of the north-east, made up of mutable horizons, crossings and borders.

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  1. Can you please cite the original poem ? Where to find it in Bangla?

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