Author: Biswadip Chakraborthy

Akberen Yelgezek

Translated from the Kazakh by David Cooke Nightmare Their meaning obscure, I dream of sleek black ravens whose croaking fills me with doubts and dread. They have built their nests in my hair. Like poisonous words, they’ve...

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Bibhu Padhi

This Place No one owns it, except an immense darkness. Who else is lonely here except myself? Stay with me, ask me questions I cannot answer. There are ghosts here, my ancestors. Take me to some other place, where I can breathe....

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Rajosik Mitra

If I told you When I breathe in the moistness of ancient ocean woods and trace the path of butterflies in hurricanes raging along your plexus if only I could tell how deep it wounds to know it in my soul that it’s probably...

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Mamang Dai

When we needed someone When we needed someone I cried for the shaman, seeking the words of generations to accompany us, Where are all the shamans? We needed someone to mend these bones, lift this arm, dress this shoulder, spine,...

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  1. Can you please cite the original poem ? Where to find it in Bangla?

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