For a Child’s Summer Reading Log
Summer is the best.
All other seasons prepare for or recover from summer.
Like loading your car with towels, plastic shovels, sunscreen, and coolers
And then unloading all that and a film of sand.
You left the sandcastle near the shore.
But now, at home, your papa sweeps out enough to build another.
Or at least a pyramid.
And now you’ve read a poem about summer
And you can jot it down in your log and go eat a popsicle.
Threnody at Event Horizon
So farewell then, humanity.
Sorry about the calamity.
You had a good run.
Such alacrity!
You measured gravity by the ton
As we spun around the sun.
You measured my place in space
And made me magically sparkle at night,
Nearly knocking envious Venus off her ellipse.
I will miss your lips at my rivulets.
You rivaled falcons in flight.
Such paintings you made!
Many of them were of me.
Even your graffiti was lovely.
But the echo of your song soon must fade
Like the speck of your sail on my horizon.
Please don’t feel betrayed.
I liked having you around.
I haven’t seen anything like you since the dinosaurs got panicky
And left when that asteroid hit my ground.
I will tend your ruins.
But they will likely deteriorate
Before anyone arrives to appreciate from another galaxy,
Or maybe from somewhere already hidden under our sun.
You had a good run.
Thank God for redemption.