Poems by Gale Acuff

Aug 6, 2021 | Poetry | 1 comment

One day I won’t be around anymore,

I’ll be dead and in Heaven or Hell and
who knows where else after that, the Here
-after that is, I guess there’s nothing be
-yond it but I’ve been wrong before and I’m
only ten years old–there’s plenty of time
to be wrong then and again but someday
I’ll be all finalized and won’t worry
about the future anymore, it’s be
-hind me now I’ll understand and as for
what waits ahead that will lie within me,
past, present, and future all rolled into
one I guess and I can hardly wait to
be dead even though I don’t want to die
but that’s religion for you. It’s bad good.


One day I’ll die and where will I be then

I ask my Sunday School teacher but I
should’ve known better, she said I’d go to
Heaven or Hell to spend Eternity
and when I asked how long Eternity
lasts she rolled her eyes and replied What a
question, which wasn’t a question itself
but I gave an answer anyway, It’s
a damn good question, ma’am, and I shouldn’t
curse, it’s a sin, and in Sunday School it’s
damn near heinous but it was after class
so she couldn’t very well throw me out,
instead she threw me out of church, that is
she walked me to the front doors and pointed
to the turnpike. But I know a shortcut.


I was all the way to Sunday School today

or almost when I realized that I
forgot my workbook, we had some homework
even though we don’t get graded, or God
marks us somehow, and I always do mine
and draw a picture in the lower right
-hand corner, you can draw anything but
I drew in mine Jesus behind the wheel
of a Ford Ranger, He’s smiling and has
long hair and a beard and mustache kind of
like Willie Nelson’s but I forgot to
draw His hand on the steering wheel and our
Sunday School teacher caught it and brought it
to my attention but I just said He’s
Jesus–He’s driven anyhow. That’s not bad.


About Author

Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in a dozen countries and is the author of three poetry collections. He has taught university English courses in the US, China, and Palestine, where he currently teaches at Arab American University.

About Translator

1 Comment

  1. Guido Cupani

    These poems are amazing. I really connect with them. Thank you.


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