Poems by Lance Henson

Oct 23, 2021 | Poetry | 0 comments

Poem for the beginnings and the endings

Snow filling ravens tracks
Near a fence row
Where the wind fell down….

Dripping wax inside the rain

Something weeping inside this wall
Silence and memory aching here….

In a winter wind storm near the woodshed
Grey hair
On a piece of wood where

Old ones passed….

Ghosted dreams fall out of our dreamtime
to sit among us….


walking through this half light

walking through this half light
toward what never goes away….

a glass rain untouched
In a mourning jungle

The scent of burning hair
And dying ethos

at the side of a hollowed
Haunted passageway

Where love in its latency

Whispers still for the dreamer to awaken….


Leaving bents fort

Leaving bents fort
For Floyd bringing good

Riding the high plains from Colorado
To Kansas

A whirlwind gaunt and alone crosses the landscape

I drive the truck south toward Oklahoma
Crossing the same path two moon and roman nose
Once wandered

I am on the edge

Barely in America

Somewhere between rage and freedom….


woodpecker song

I am making this sound upon the earth

The curled leaf filled with water
Holds a looking glass of sky

In a quiet place

I make this small sound….

Gogonoh neh meod

Hi do nah na ma mist stidoh hist tah nov
Mo mi gon vip eht eyo eh down mahp
Eh doin Im bohmp dists voheh
Dighh oh eh eh hi goht

Na na nist disks iiis….


Gogonoh is a sacred entity in the Cheyenne Sundance
Ritual,the dancer wears a woodpecker head fastened to
A willow crown.when the dancer looks up the beak of the woodpecker pierces the universe and the earths properties and animals and humans are embraced by the sacredness of the universe.

About Author

Lance Henson is a Cheyenne poet. Henson was born in Washington, D.C. and grew up near Calumet, Oklahoma, where his grandparents raised him in the traditions of the Cheyenne tribe. He has published 28 volumes of poetry, which have been translated into 25 languages.

About Translator


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