Artistic Vision
I’m going to rewrite my DNA code
In a lyrical mode
All ear worm songs and poetry
Words arranged so cleverly
From just the letters A, C, G and T
One theme, somehow, will be
How a common fruit fly shares sixty percent
Of common, myopic me
Papillon du Jour
Vois-là, papillon
Tu es comme une avion
À la lune, allons!
(Butterfly of the Day
Look there, butterfly
You are like an aeroplane
To the moon, let’s go!)
Song of the Scorpions
Where there may be less stinging
There is all the more singing
For nobody ever loved us like this
When we were alive and kicking
We never knew at that time
The touch of a woman’s untrembling hands
Nor just how much a long soak in water can accomplish
To be pliable again is no small victory
Same for stretching out again all over the sand
It’s been a while—see,
We used to feel sensations everywhere
In each of our hairs
And all through those legs, those claws
Not to mention those stingers
Misunderstanding lingers
Memories of many venomous dinners, we suppose.
But if, in the end, we are all vulnerable
Then why should we care what is strong?
Sometimes we can’t love each other for long
Sometimes our love goes on and on.
Look at us past the fact that we’re deceased
And make your peace:
The life we catch is going to be released.
Accompanying Artwork is also by the poet.