
The Newspaper and Other Poemsβ€” Nikhilesh Mishra

TRANSLATED FROM ODIA BY THE POET     A poem can't do a damn thing   Maybe, someday you will read my poem. The puppy lying on the road And exhaling its last breath, Or the fairy…...

The Lindens’ Perfumeβ€” Luigi Cannillo

TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIAN BY PAOLO BELLUSO Image Used For Representation  THE LINDENS' PERFUME The lindens’ perfume from the courtyardwafts through the curtains once moreOn the last schooldaysthe roar in our blood, the…...

Bidding Adieu to the City, Parts I and IIβ€” Uday Prakash

TRANSLATED FROM THE HINDI BY MOULINATH GOSWAMI Image Used For Representation  BIDDING ADIEU TO A CITY - 1 Had we not been here today thenwhere would we be Tapti?Perhaps somewhere inside some old…...
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Stories of the Warβ€” Chantal Danjou

TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY DOMINIQUE HECQ Image used for representation Β  Cry A body. The intertwined. Another body. Bodies and bodies. Littoral cities all alike. Full of lights. Full of sand. Even…...

I Left My Home & Other Poemsβ€” Rahma Nur

TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIAN BY PASQUALE VERDICCHIO AND LOREDANA DI MARTINO Image Used For Representation  I LEFT MY LAND I left my landthe soil I paced on my kneesI left faces clouded by…...

A Red Bicycle & Other Poemsβ€” Azita Ghareman

TRANSLATED FROM THE FARSI BY MAURA DOOLEY AND ELHUM SHAKERIFAR Image Used for Representation  RED BICYCLE I still dreamof my red bicycleon the green shores of summer,my unruly hair casting shadows on the…...

The Last Sun and Other Poemsβ€” Anamika Anu

TRANSLATED FROM THE HINDI BY DIPANWITA BHATTACHARYYA   The Last Sun On the last day of her life The girl looks at the sun by opening the window moving the drapes aside tattered and battered from the…...

Four Unpublished Poemsβ€” Elizabeth Grech

TRANSLATED FROM THE MALTESE BY IRENE MANGION The PathΒ  It is there, closer than you ever thought. Seek it out patiently. Do not rush. Fate has its own clock. You need to stop, prick up…...
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Extracts from The Bleedingβ€” Bios Diallo

TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH BY PATRICK WILLIAMSON Image Used For Representation  EXTRACTS FROM THE BLEEDING V Leave, migrateYou will not see my likenessA hold on the seabedMy night is thereOn the…...