Tag: Indian science fiction

. (Full Stop) – Soham Guha

Soham Guha writes in his mother tongue, Bengali, and English as well. His works were published in Kalpabiswa.com, Scroll.in, Matti Braun’s Monologue, and Mohs 5.5: Megastructure Anthology and Mithila Review. This story is translated from the Bengali by Ranjita Chattopadhyaya.

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Indian Science Fiction – A Panel Discussion

The Antonym brought together a wonderful panel of India Science Fiction writers and critics to discuss the uniqueness of Indian Science Fiction. We had Subodh Jawadekar, the renowned Science and Science Fiction writer in Marathi: Dipen Bhattacharya, who writes in Bengali., featuring the social dynamics of imagined future societies interwoven with scientific principle and T.G. Shenoy, a Science Fiction columnist and critic, the writer of India’s longest-running weekly SF column in India,

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  1. Can you please cite the original poem ? Where to find it in Bangla?

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